Book title
White as Milk, Red as Blood


Alessandro D´Avenia




Bibliographic information
Publisher: Algoritam

Translation to Croatian: Dubravka Oršić


220 str., oft cover

ISBN 978-953-316-167-9



Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.),_crvena_kao_krv.pdf


The story of a young man Leo, who is in love with Beatrice, is written in the form of a Diary. It shows typical teenage as well as general problems between the young and old, search of identity, and facing death as well as loss.


Short summary

Leo is a sixteen year old who plays soccer, he doesn’t like school and doesn’t do well with adults. He is in love with Beatrice, a girl with read hear, he tries to collect the courage to come up to her and tell her how she feels. At the same time, he is figuring out who he is and what kind of a person he is, what really interest him and what he wants to do in life as he confronts his professors too. He finds out that Beatrice is sick which really affects him and his view of himself and the world. Facing the pain, professor Dreamer and his friend Silvia (met Beatrice with him) help him through. Leo and Beatrice connect and spend a lot of time together, learning a lot about life, themselves and start to affect one another. Unfortunately, Beatrice loses the fight and Leo has to face the loss of a loved one. This is a novel about growing up and facing the greatest loss of life – losing a loved one, the novel also consists various links with art – especially with Dante’s creativity inspired by Beatrice.


Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers?

  • It is written in simple conversational style which is easily understood and close with students, simultaneously very visual, metaphoric and symbolic.
  • It is written from the perspective of a sixteen year old, which in a funny, rebellious but truthful way talks about typical problems of a high schooler (love, school, professor and parents)
  • He talks about searching his identity and facing himself, his emotions, fears, and especially about illnesses and death.


What are the distinguished readers interests reflected by this book/story?
This is a love story which is not typical because it shows the growth of a young person and facing real life situations. From the perspective of high schoolers, he reevaluates about the existence, society, education, relationships between the young and old, dreams, God and religion as well as death and love.


Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
The theme and style make this book encouraging for both girls and boys. It is easy to relate with the main character and his problems, which motivates them to think about their own feelings, helps recognize and accept emotions of other too. Facing with the loss of a loved one is truly painful, it is a life changing moment in everyone’s life, and this book truly motivates to talk about such topics.


Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognized in this book/story? 
An educational-cultural context is visible – the students can compare the Italian school system with the Croatian one, they can think about the technological progress and everything that is available to them through education and life, and compare with the creation of live during the pre-renaissance period.


Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promotes understanding of cultural diversities and heritage? 
Enrolling a student in a regular school system – relationships between student and professor, breaking the stereotypes about teachers, as well as their interests and rebellious side of a student (often present in the emotional aspect of a student).

Book title
Marcelo in the Real World


Francisco X. Stork


Bibliographic information

Algoritam, Zagreb, February 2011., First edition

ISBN 978-953-316-180-8


Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)


The resourcefulness of Marcelo in the real world as well as having a lot of knowledge in different human emotions.


Short summary

Marcelo often talked about himself in the third person; he lives in a tree house and works with religion and philosophy. He often hears music in his head which no one else does, and he loves his school in which his distinctive feature is one of many there. He is excited that during the summer before the last year of school he will spend with horses used for therapeutic riding. Unfortunately Marcelo’s father asks him to work in his father’s law firm as he believes that that will help him learn what the real world is. Wanting to please his father, Marcelo accepts the job and makes friends with Jasmine and Wendell. As the summer passes by, he faces new emotions, ideas and ways of behavior and only time will show if he can deal with it.


Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers?

  • encourages the development of social interaction
  • Brings up the question of identity – encourages the reader to think about their identity, identity of their peers (the ones that want to separate themselves from others), the question of would they accept someone that is different rises, or do they choose to stay with the ‘perfect’ person who would be the leader and direct.
  • Encourages the understanding of differences among their peers.


What are the distinguished readers interests reflected by this book/story?
This story shows an individual who is aware of his differences and accepts his father’s request of joining him in the real world. This is a challenge of itself with facing the life of adults, accepting responsibility without any parent protection.


Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
The story can be interpreted in different ways – family relationships, the rough world of working in the lawyer world, and rush of emotions – facing emotions (friendship – love – sexual pleasure).


Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognized in this book/story? 

  • Educational-historical context – today, the main focus is in the integration and inclusion of personal and professional development in regular programs due to the socialization aspect.
  • The possibility of comparing school systems here and in the Anglo-Saxon countries.
  • At the end of the 80’s and beginning of the 90’s in America – policy for funding funds for kids with Autism (help in education and everyday lives)


Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promotes understanding of cultural diversities and heritage? 
Inclusion is present by attending regular school. Encourages understanding and tolerance in joining already existing system.

Students can examine the American educational system, and compare lives of their peers ( becoming independent, work, life with parents…)

Title of Activity
Who will join my group of friends?


Description of educational activity
Duration: 2 x 45 minutes

Student age: 16-17 year olds

Student Class organization: group work

Lesson goal:

  • Analysis of the relationship between literary characters, empathy development,
  • Encouraging critical thinking about the relationship between peers and group pressure in their own environment


Support materials:

  • Internet
  • Magazines containing topics from teenagers' everyday life, TV series



  • 3 texts
  • sticky notes



reading, interpreting and discussing the text, watching and discussing video clips


I. Activities before reading

  • Thematic approach: "Santana vs. Beethowen "- explore the influence of rock music and classical music on cognitive and affective abilities, attitudes, style, subculture of youth
  • Thematic approach: "You instead of me" - explore how children with this cognitive disorder often call themselves by their name
  • Thematic Approach: "Life with Parents during 35" - Using TV series to compare the lives of peers, becoming independent and employment opportunities in Republic of Croatia

 II. Activities during reading.

The 1st group gets job lists - they will read:

  • episode with dad - students in the group read the default part (Chapter 3) and answer questions using the Placemat method - a sublayer, the goal: the group should noticed the problem of communication between Arthur and Marcela, the problem of unrealistic parenting
  • Forming groups to discuss whether Marcelo should stay in Paterson or go to a regular school in the final grade?


The 2nd group gets a working paper, will read:

  • episode with Wendell - the students in the group read the given chapters (chapters 8, 9 and 13) and solve the tasks using the method of reciprocal reading as well as discussing the problems that are observed in the texts - problem of student violence, communication problems, loss of self-confidence and motivation


The 3rd group gets a working list, it reads:

  • episode with Yasmine - the students read a part of the text (Chapter 24), dramatize it and determine the pool of emotions in Marcel's head - Friendship, Sexual Pleasure, Love.


III. Common activities after reading.

  • a debate on Marcelo and Ixtel - Victims and / or Heroes? - The students put forth their arguments and explain them, answering questions: How are the heroes of this story exceptional and different from other characters? Do they remind us of people of the real world? Ex. events and people we hear over the media?


Evaluation and Assessment Method:

  • Teacher Role - Prepare Materials and act as a Moderator
  • Method all around - Group work activity, used in the evaluation phase - one paper and pen is sent from member to member in the group - during which evaluation is written.


Students are evaluated on the basis of the following:

  • knowledge of the content and forms of literary texts from different regions and cultures
  • engagement around the idea of ​​writers and their approach to the topic and the handling of the text
  • Recognizing the ways in which texts relate to broader contexts
  • empathy, recognition and appreciation of a wider context


The Impact of Activity on Reading RSP Readers:

Practices initiate a process of thinking in the students minds leading to what may be called greater cultural sensitivity, increased awareness of cultural differences and cultural communities - not only for race but also for gender, social classes, etc


Connection to curriculum

Class: sophomore year


World Literature - reading for pleasure

Civil upbringing and education - developing conflict resolution strategies, peer violence

English Language and Literature - US writer Stork

Musical Arts - Classical Music, Rock Music



  • broad and universal issues
  • better understanding of yourself and the world around you
  • enjoying the experience of reading literary literature
  • Understanding the problem, answering questions related to the position of young people, influence of music, student relationships, identity issues
  • Critical thinking about the world, family, work



  • Collecting, selecting and evaluating background information
  • reading, interpreting and evaluating literary texts
  • Effective collaboration in groups
  • Empathy during groups works
  • preparation and performance of "role play"
  • improvisation, especially in speech
  • discovering the possibilities of one's own learning during active participation
  • mastering the elements of debate



  • Intercultural and Communication Competences
  • Understanding cultures as a comprehensive approach to literacy.
  • a positive attitude towards different ways of thinking / prayers / clothing style or behavior, openness and tolerance


Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity

Francisco X. Stork: Marcelo in the real world


Zagreb, February, 2011.



Expected outcomes:

Students will be able to:

  • express clearly the critical / analytical and interpretative understanding of the text
  • select the text references individually
  • reacted to the way the language works in the text
  • to respect the opinion of others, to clearly and precisely argue their own opinions



The text can help increase the interest of students to read. The elements of the detective stories may also be of interest to students to read the novel entirely.

Book title
Just let it move


Davor Rostuhar



Bibliographic information


Publisher: Klub za ekpedicionizam i kulturu

2003., 2006., 2009.

256 str.; 154 photos

soft cover

ISBN 953-99434-0-X


Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)


Two friends, a twenty year old named Davor, also known as the writer, and friend Vedran decide to travel the Mediterranean by bicycle, riding 8000 kilometers in 283 days, passing through 12 countries on 3 different continents.


Short summary

Everyone dreams or has a dream already, someone dreams about new things, some dream about traveling. His childhood dream was shared with his childhood friend, and together at the age of twenty decided to go on a trip around the Mediterranean. That trip was a challenge in every aspect, but it brought them the ability to visit new places and countries, meet new people, cultures and traditions. Bicycling from Zagreb to Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and Egypt, the author  questions life, religion, relationships between man and woman, the good and bad in people and other universal questions with which people can be occupied by. On the trip he questions himself, his limits with meeting new people – from poor Bedouins,  to odd people, and ascetic priests, as well as soldiers and rich people who all pass the valley of Ephrata, a dessert which continues up a mountain covered in snow, sleeping under the stars or small basement of abandoned buildings.


Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers?
It shows adventure – a trip around the Mediterranean by bike from a twenty year old perspective.

  • The readers can identify themselves with the writer who from first hand talks about how to organize a trip with a modest budget, how to manage and communicate in a culture totally different to the one they know, and that everything in life is possible and achievable
  • The simple writing style is stimulating for the readers.

beneath the surface.


What are the distinguished readers interests reflected by this book/story?

Traveling was never accessible for young people as much as it is today, for that reason this book offers a remarkable experience and pleasure of travelling by bicycle. It shows that traveling doesn’t have to be to well-known places, staying in hotels and without getting to know the real world and culture of the local people – traveling offers coexistence, becoming independent as well as mature, as well as communication and interaction with indigenous areas and people.


Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
Students can easily identify with the writer who’s also around the same age, they come from the same or similar environment, and have interests and facts about realizing childhood dreams. The ease of reading this book comes from the simple and understandable language, as well as universal theme that promote getting to know the unknown and accepting the new.


Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognized in this book/story? 
Yes, during the ten month trip, the two young men faced and stayed in places that were unknown to them – the borders between East and West, division of Beirut in which they asked you to decide.  Arab, Palestinians, justice and freedom or Israel, America, Jews, money, brutality and crime, encounter with migrants, peace activists, cooperating with ecologists etc.


Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promotes understanding of cultural diversities and heritage? 

Yes, the protagonists are getting in touch with new situations and are taking to consideration the differences even though they have different beliefs – the openly talk about religion, and reevaluate the patriarchal society as well as rethink about the cultural differences where they try to understand all of it.  The two men do not accept the limits that can be created by the cultural and religious barriers, and thus accept the hospitality and society through every social status promoting multiculturalism and respect the environment they visit with its peculiarity.

Title of Activity
Culture collisions


Description of educational activity
Duration: 2 x 45 minutes

Student age: 18 – 19 (senior year)

Student class organization: group work

Lecture goal:

Shaping their own attitudes, explaining and proving them

empathy development


Supporting materials

  • Internet
  • Class leaflet



  • 4 texts
  • sticky notes



reading, interpreting, and discussing the text


  1.  Activity before reading

Provides motivation, allows students to share their own experiences/opinions, group cohesion

  • The students are divided into groups of four. Each group gets one task.

Introductory text

INTRO (str. 5 – 8)


After common reading of the introductory text the students work in groups:

  1. Outline 3 thoughts from the text that are stimulating and explain why.

  2. Mention your childhood dreams and choose the ones that are achievable in the future.

  3. Apply the sentence in the context of personal challenges: In the past, the whole world was explored; the highest mountains were concurred and the farthest points were visited. I knew I wasn’t doing something new, but for me, it was the start of discovering the world.

  4. Presentation of group results and short discussion.



II. Activities during and after reading in group.

  • The groups receive parts of the story and teaching leaflets (each group reads one part)


a)    Syria: Driving along the Euphrates (page 63 - 64)

Basic task: Describe the writers travel concerns and state the reasons. Explain how to reconcile their cultural heritage and cultural orientations of the new environment. Explain the possibility of intercultural understanding.


Analysis: male-female relations; gender equality; cultural differences; intercultural


b)   Syria: In Bedouin tents (page 75 - 76)

Basic task: Explain who the Bedouins are, how and what affects their nomadic way of life. Compare Bedouin's hospitality and their weak sense of ownership with Western culture.


Analysis: the impact of natural environment on people's lives; cultural differences


c)    Israel: For Peace! (pp. 162-164)

Basic task: Describe the life of refugees. Explain their sense of helplessness sense of never getting a break. 

Analysis: refugee status; meaninglessness of the war; (no) possibility of change


III.  Common activities after reading.


Presenting group work results.


Discussion: Be an observer or participant. Actualization of issues and updates 


Evaluation and Assessment Method:


Teacher Role - Prepare Materials and act as a Moderator

Evaluation of work in groups - questionnaire: evaluation and self-evaluation


Students are assessed on the basis of their abilities:

·         Reading with understanding and shaping their own opinions and arguments

·         Participation in a argumented discussion

·         presentation of group work - systematic and structured presentation


The Impact of Activity on Reading RSP:

Activities encourage intercultural understanding and development of students' empathy.



Connection to curriculum

Class: Senior year


Language Expression - Discussion






- better understanding of yourself and the world around you

- Critical thinking about the world, society, religion

- Enjoyable reading experience



  • collection, selection and evaluation of information
  • reading, interpreting and evaluating literary texts



  • communication competences
  • intercultural competences
  • ability to work in a team, and acceptance of someone different


Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity

Davor Rostuhar: Just Let it Move!

Publisher: Klub za ekpedicionizam i kulturu

2003., 2006., 2009.

256 pg.; 154 photographs

Soft cover

ISBN 953-99434-0-X



Expected outcomes:

Students will be able to:

- clearly shape their attitudes and arguments

- actively listen to others

- use and accept etiquette communication  



The work is appropriate thematically and is content targeted to group of readers. It also motivates to select other works by the same author or similar works of another author.

Book title


R. J. Palacio

Bibliographic information

Publisher: Fokus komunikacije


324 str., Soft cover

ISBN 9789533490090

Translated from English: Tamara Kunić


Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)


Auggie Pulman is a ten year old boy who lives with his parents and older sister in New York. He was born with a face deformity and was homeschooled his first four years due to various health issues. Soon, he will start the fifth year of school in Beecher and it will be his first time to be surrounded by kids his own age.



Short summary

There are books we read that we just forget the moment we are done with, and then, there are books which make us think even after we are done with them, well, Wonder is one of these books. Written by Raquel Jaramillo, under pseudonym R. J. Palacio.

This is a book about August Pullman, whose nickname is Auggie. He is a ten year old boy, who suffers from atypical problems. It’s not about normal girl problems, fights with parents, or school.. However, Auggie is starting school! Although he is ten years old, he spent half his life having operations due to his face deformity. He was homeschooled and lived under the rock.

Although Auggie is smart, heart touching and funny, the first thing people notice is his face, which he describes quiet openly and brutally. Due to the unavoidable reactions, as well as bullying, his parents wanted to protect him, which is the reason he was homeschooled. Fifth grade however, is the breaking point and Auggie is hesitating to go to a real school. 

You can just imagine what happens next – from pity to bullying, and acceptance and rejection. The fifth grade for Auggie is becoming a real life lesson, where he learns to fight for himself. Facing up to his peers and professors, who all have different reactions to his face, and Auggie finally starts to accept who he is. Not only is it helping him, but he is giving a lifelong lesson to others too.



Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers?
It teaches us to accept who we are

  • How to overcome fear from the unknown
  • It teaches us how to understand and accept differences: there is no easy way, we just need to act normal
  • It raises up awareness that people don’t see what is important in certain situations, example: don’t judge a book by its cover, it is important what is beneath the surface.


What are the distinguished readers interests reflected by this book/story?
The book answers a lot of questions, even though Auggie is different, he faces problems like his peers do. Why do I have to go to school? How to know who is a real friend? Am I the only one who has problems with their siblings? Am I accepted in the family and society? Why me?


Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
The students can identify their own problems, and find answers to them by trying to find their identity and answering to the questions, Who am I? Who am I in comparison to others?


Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognized in this book/story? 
Multicultural context is visible in the story of Auggie because the novels setting is in New York, a multicultural environment, a city full of different cultures, race, religion, points of view (political and social), which is  visible in Auggies commute from home to school and surrounding.


Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promotes understanding of cultural diversities and heritage? 

The principle of inclusions is the leitmotif of this novel. Although the novel brings up many themes, the main theme shows a boy with difficulties in attending a normal school. It promotes understanding differences between people and the cultural differences which are visible in representing the characters that surround Auggie. His peers from class and school and their parents, professors, principle, neighbors who live differently, are raised differently, view the world differently and completely have different values in life.

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