Title of Activity - Lord of The Flies
Description of educational activity
Duration: 2 x 45 minutes
Pupils’ age: 15-17
Organization of the class of pupils: frontal, individual, text-based, focused conversation, writing, group work
The aim of the lesson:
• analyze the work (characters, themes, fables, novel features)
• explain the idea of a novel
• enrich understanding of life, man and society
• explain the personal attitude towards the destiny of the characters: the issue of leadership in the community, murders, relationships with others
• rich dictionary and knowledge of general culture
• develop the ability of critical thinking, explanation and conclusion, perception, and perception
• explain attitude towards the main issues that the novel poses
• observe the positive and negative side of behavior and actions of characters
• develop the ability to apply the theory of literature in a particular literary work
Support materials:
Handouts :
Provide motivation and background information to facilitate reading and enabling students to put the novel in a broader, non-literary and literary context. Also, before reading, students get directions and provocative questions and thus encourage active reading, making notes during reading, making arguments and paraphrases, comparing literary and film-based essays.
Some guidelines, research topics, provocative questions:
• explore the phenomenon of night terror
• choose the favorite character and explain your choice
• list at least 5 characteristics of a good leader and state one general example of a good leader; is there an example of such a leader in the novel and explain the answer
• see the organization of the life and work of the boys on the desolate island; is it well designed and is it sustainable
• Why the community described in the novel didn’t survive?
• explain the notion of democracy and what it implies
• how much the novel's work would differentiate between girls and mixed sex groups on the island.
As a experience-cognitive motivation, use the paintings of Theodore Gericault Splav Meduze. Students talk about their experience of the atmosphere transmitted by the image and whether the motif of the image can be linked to the theme of the novel. Can they be placed in the position of people on the rafters, like boys in the novel - on a desolate island. How would they feel in such conditions?
In school library we organise an exhibition of similar novels with similar theme as Lord of the flies.
Short description of digital sources
Results/ What we learned – Outcomes
The expected outcomes of the lesson:
Students will be able to demonstrate:
• clearly critical / analytical understanding of author's intent and deeper implications for texts and attitudes
• notice the allegory of the text
• apply knowledge of text in everyday life, especially in the field of moral-ethical behavior of individuals and the impact of such behavior on the development of the community
Lord of the of Flies opens up a whole range of social issues so it is easily linked to civic education. The text also opens up a series of questions concerning personal attitudes about morality, ethics, and psychology of man in inhumane conditions. That is why the text is appropriate for RSP readers. Well-read reading before, during and after training allows each teacher to enter an individual approach to issues by knowing the affinities and interests of their students.
Book title
Lord of the flies
William Golding
Bibliographic information
Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize–winning British author William Golding.
Author : William Golding
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Genre: Allegorical novel
Publisher: Faber and Faber
Publication date: 1954.
Media type: Print (Paperback)
ISBN 0-571-05686-5 (first edition, paperback)
Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)
The book focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their disastrous attempt to govern themselves.
At an allegorical level, the central theme is the conflicting human impulses toward civilisation and social organisation—living by rules, peacefully and in harmony—and toward the will to power. Themes include the tension between groupthink and individuality, between rational and emotional reactions, and between morality and immorality. How these play out, and how different people feel the influences of these form a major subtext of Lord of the Flies. The name "Lord of the Flies" is a literal translation of Beelzebub.
Short summary
In the midst of a wartime evacuation, a British aeroplane crashes on or near an isolated island in a remote region of the Pacific Ocean. The only survivors are boys in their middle childhood or preadolescence. Two boys Ralph and Jack organize two different groups of boys-Ralph is trying to be democratic and compassionate, but Jack is a hunter and he provides the food for his own tribe by killing wild pigs . Although at first boy were with Ralph, by the end majority of the boys goes in Jack’s tribe.
Soon a few of the boys begin to develop paranoias about the island. The central paranoia refers to a supposed monster they call the "beast", which they all slowly begin to believe exists on the island. Ralph insists that no such beast exists, but Jack gains a level of control over the group by boldly promising to kill the creature.
Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers (in accordance to Content development criteria)?
How are the distinguished readers' interests reflected in this book/story?
Although published in 1954, Golding's novel is current in the real world today. As the novelty of the novel is not lost, there are always new film adaptations of the novel. Indeed, the novel opens up a series of general, sociological, and philosophical problems that are encouraging to talk to students. Let the novel impersonate: What is the character of a good leader? Is it possible to achieve democracy? How much is man fighting culture and urge? What is morality? Is it possible to achieve a complete moral society?
Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
Given that this is an allegorical novel, the story can be interpreted at several levels and students can learn that reading can never be completed. They will be motivated to read the text again or to look at the movie adaptation to re-discover the novel subtext.
Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognised in this book/story? If yes, indicate it briefly.
Golding depicts a truly scary picture of the decline of a small society. Novel can be seen in the context of multiculturalism and how to achieve consensus and coexistence between individuals in these circumstances.
Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promote understanding of cultural diversities and heritage? Briefly indicate.
In the desert island there are boys (interesting, no girls)! of different ages, education, physical and other differences, the novel can be interpreted in that context as well.
Title of Activity - They think we're small
Description of educational activity
Description of activities:
Duration: two school hours (90 min.) + Afterwards: lecture by a medical school doctor (45 minutes)
Pupil's age: 1st class high school (15-year-olds)
Class organization: classroom and division of students into groups and debate groups. work in groups, debate.
Objective: to motivate students to read the contemporary text about growing up where they will think about their own realities and their critical thinking about the issues that the text opens. The aim is to develop students' verbal and written expressive skills, ability to argue and debate.
Educational activities
A. Before reading
At the beginning of the school year students should choose one book by their choice found in the school library. The book is not in the list of lectures. Meanwhile, Croatian language teacher agrees with the librarian to offer them along with other books Juliana Matanovic's book as well, They think we're small. The pupils inform the teacher which books they have chosen to read. Everyone has the same task - to present the book to other students in the form of ppt or posters in 3 minutes.
The teacher also arranges with the Medical Service and Physician of the School Medicine the 1st workshop of the ZOO on sexually transmitted diseases and the protection where the part of the workshop relates to vaccination against HPV.
B. Reading activity
First Hour: Motivation begins by introducing a book They think we’re small (students who read the book in full).
The teacher shares a fragment from the novel when Matija, the main heroine, learns that mother Vjera is ill and has to go to a cervical surgery because she has CIN 3 and the teacher shares the fact that the 15-year-olds (neither Jurica nor Matija) know nothing about it and search the data on the Internet .
Pupils are divided into groups (6 groups per 4 or 5 pupils). Their job is to read the fragment and write down what they know about HPV and cervical cancer. Data can also be searched on the Internet.
The second part of the task is to exchange data in a group and write down on a piece of paper that they will later stick to the message board or writing board.
Second Hour: the preparation for the debate is next. Students stay in groups. The task is: Young people should be vaccinated against HPV.
First everyone writes for themselves an argument for and an argument against it. After that, they present their arguments in the group and select a hot pencil as one student represents their group argument.
The last part of the debate is: students take a sheet from the teacher’s desk (eg. one is red and the other is blue). Red represents an affirmative group, and blue is a negative one.
The students make their arguments and start the debate. The first argues the argument negative (60 seconds) - the opposite of his group replicates (an affirmative argument of arguing negative arguments, asking questions that are trying to contradict him and weaken or break his arguments, time for questions and answers 90 seconds), followed by the first debatant of the other group, and its first group repeats itself in a row. This is how all three debates are made.
Then comes the final word. In the end, there is an evaluation sheet in which the questions about hourly activity and the issue of vaccination are being followed.
C. After reading
The teacher and students who read the entire book remind other students to take the book in the library and find the medical-scientific part of Dr. Anka Dorić about HPV.
If it is possible to arrange a lecture with a school doctor, students will receive additional information on STDs and HPV.
Workspaces: worksheets with the novel excerpt, note papers, evaluation sheets, Internet (student cell phones), color paper
A fragment from the novel One thinks we are small (pp. 100-106)
Evaluation and Assessment Methods: Students at the end of the semester meet the evaluation list, independently present their arguments and attitudes.
The Impact of Reading Activity on RSP: The idea to independently elect, discuss and express their opinion that the theme related to their upbringing leads to trust in reading and motivation to read the whole work.
Connection to curriculum
Connection to curriculum of Health education (1st class high school) (http://www.azoo.hr/images/razno/Kurikulum-1-4-razred-SS-FINAL-s-ispravkom.pdf)
Developing skills neccessary for responsible sexual behavior, I. and III.
Aims: Making students aware of responsible sexual behavior and making them realize, face, and think about advantages and disadvantages of every possibility in sexual behavior.
Connection to literature in 1st class (literary-theoretical terms):
Aim: applying the acquired knowledge in literature (a text which is a novel – a romance story in which the main character is a 15-year-old girl who with the standard language uses a jargon as well – a novel of growing up, and a medical-scientifical document)
Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity
Short description of digital sources
Results/ What we learned – Outcomes
Students will discuss and debate about socially relevant issues. They will develop collaborative skills, listening and speaking skills, they will learn to argue and critically consider the issue.
Choosing a method of teaching and a suitable text affects the increase of the student's interest in reading and studying the interpretation. Independence in work, effective co-operation, involvement in discussion and appraisal encourage interests and develop analytical and synthetic skills. The text can be adapted to the possibilities and interests of the group according to the profile of the RSP reader group. The more active approach and the smaller text fragments offer a more interesting, dynamic way of reading and studying a literary work.
Book title
They think we're small
Julijana Matanović i Anka Dorić
Bibliographic information
• Publisher: Mozaik knjiga
• Year of release: 2014 (first edition: 2010)
• ISBN: 9789531408318
• Binding: Soft
• Width: 128
• Height: 190
• Pages: 208
Roman/Novel: fiction
Literature for children and young people
Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)
Short summary
Fifteen-year-old Matija, the main character and narrator, lives with her grandmother Dorotea and mother Vjera in the urban center of Zagreb at the beginning of the 21st century and is on vital turning points such as the completion of elementary school, meeting her father, photographer Kristijan Tomic, and mother's illness. This is a story about the growing up of a girl in the company of two close women who raise her with care and each from her own point of view. The romance urban story is told in jargon and the addition to this novel are documented medical facts about human papillomavirus infections and cervical cancer.
Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers (in accordance to Content development criteria)?
This literary-scientific story has a public health value because it is the first of its kind in contemporary domestic literature for young people. The authors of the book want to contribute to spreading true information and professional knowledge about the possibilities of preventing and treating HPV infection.
Target groups are primarily young populations and their parents and teachers. The aim is to alert the need to stop taboo-silence and stigmatize sexually transmitted diseases in general and to make true and valid information about this disease easily accessible to young people in a pedagogical, psychological and scientific-medical manner.
How are the distinguished readers' interests reflected in this book/story?
Although this literary-scientific story deals with HPV issues, readers' interest is also being gained in the issue of growing a new online generation that can be recognized in similar situations and prejudice of the society not only to sexually transmitted diseases but also to the way of educating a female population.
Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
A very unusual approach to the literary text complemented by an educational medical booklet opens up the question of critical thinking and close reality.
Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognised in this book/story? If yes, indicate it briefly.
A contemporary context of a new generation of 15-year-olds in the 21st century, who are faced with serious life issues: the disease of parents and how aware and responsible they can deal with it is recognized in the story.
Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promote understanding of cultural diversities and heritage? Briefly indicate.
The very fact that the text deals with issues of sexually transmitted diseases, the protection and vaccinations opens up the principle of inclusion by which this stigmatized subject approaches pupils, parents and fellow workers who, with medical help, present medical and statistical data, thereby enabling the right to knowledge, protection and open mutual dialogue.
Title of Activity
The Fault in Our Stars
Description of educational activity
Duration: 45 minutes
Pupils' age: 15-18
Classroom organization: group work (6 x 4 students)
Objective: to improve the student's reading literacy and ability to understand text, ability to reflect, critical thinking and empathy. It also aims at developing key competencies and transversal skills (critical thinking, taking initiatives, solving problems, participating in collective work ...) that enable students to critically observe and decode the cultural, social use of languages; cultivating reading culture by creating a readily motivating environment that improves personal reading quality. Enhancement of communication skills, interpretation, analysis and evaluation skills.
Working materials: summary handouts
They are given the quotes reffering to different characters.
Evaluation and assessment method:
Students independently demonstrate and fully substantiate their attitudes and results in the course of their work.
The impact of RSP reading activities:
Practices that support and encourage students’ choice, opinion and attitude. The idea and the choice are personal and there is no mistake, and the positive understanding of thinking and thinking affects the students' confidence and lose previous reading resistance and gradually gain readership competence.
Connection to curriculum
Stage: 3rd grade of high school
General grammar school programme: The aim of the curriculum for the study of literature and the areas of civic education is related to the reading and understanding of more literary texts on interpersonal relationships and differences between healthy and severely ill people.
Pupils should independently discern, isolate, explain, demonstrate the features of the text offered and argue their outlook on the influence of culture, family and society on the development of the personality of a young man suffering from terminal illness and his rights to daily life of a young person regardless of illness.
Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity
John Green
The Fault in Our Stars
Digital sources
Expected Outcomes:
Choosing a method of teaching and a suitable text affect the increase of the student's interest in reading, studying the interpretation.
Independence in work, effective co-operation, involvement in discussion and appraisal encourage interests and develop analytical and synthetic skills.
The volume of texts can be tailored to the opportunities and interests of the group as needed, according to the RSP readership profile.
The more active approach and the smaller text fragments offer a more interesting, dynamic way of reading and studying a literary work.
Title of Activity
INDIAN CAMP, Ernest Hemingway
Description of educational activity
Duration: 1 X 45 minutes
Pupils’ age: 15-19
Organization of the class of pupils: group work
The aim of the lesson: The aim of the lesson is to motivate the students to read in the way that reading comprehension enables them to understand the relations between the characters – white doctor and an Indian woman suffering, the issue of struggling and enduring pain.....
Another goal is to enable Ss develop their miming skill to present a story according the given guidelines without having read it.
Ss will gain knowledge and understanding of a famous 20 century writer and his opus of short stories.
Support materials:
Handouts :
Evaluation and assessment method:
Throughout the lesson, the Ss will be very active to present VS understand the mime.
Teacher’s role - monitoring Ss’ work, their interaction, reading for details, making notes, and participation in group activities.
In order to evaluate and assess the effective impact of the previous activities upon the students, they are asked to elaborate a short paper in no more than 5 minutes where they make an In-depth analysis of the main characters and their relationships
Effect of the activity on RSP reading: Practices that support students´ choice, collaboration, and shared control of learning outcomes can be linked to self-expressed interest in reading and engaged reading behaviours.
Teachers can organize reading instruction to develop self-efficiency, competence, and engagement in teenage students.
Connection to curriculum
Grade: 3rd grade
Civic education – responsible behaviour, developing empathy, understanding the position of deprived minority women, (in)ability to endure someone’s suffering, fear, growing up,
World Literature - classics works of art - reading and valuing
History – Indian culture , related to reality,
Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity
Ernest Hemingway
Indian Camp
Page count:
Year of issue:
Digital sources
The expected outcomes of the lesson are:
The students will be able:
Both the teaching method and the text can help in increasing Ss’ interest in reading. This text promotes the consciousness of treating a minority group members.
The teacher monitors the students so as to make sure they cooperate effectively.
The short story can be adapted to the language level of a group – it can be shorter - by cutting less important sentences regarding descriptions, or be expanded to additional fragments of the same short story. Students can be offered a glossary of difficult vocabulary.
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