Title of Activity
I fell in love


Description of educational activity
Duration: 2 x 45 minutes

Student age: 16 - 17

Student class organization: group work

Lecture goal:

- to recognize the problem of violence against children and the problem of corruption, the development of empathy, to analyze the narrator's position, to interpret the relationship between literary characters


Supporting materials

- Internet

- Magazines with everyday topics


- 3 texts

- sticky notes


reading, interpreting, and discussing the text


  1.  Activity before reading

Provide motivation and background information to facilitate reading and put text in a broader, non-literary and literary context

Thematic Approach: Who Is Andy Mulligan? - Explore all about the author and his published works.

Thematic approach: Do clothes make you a man? - the influence of the consumer spirit - the purchase of branded clothing that is burdened by today's society, the symbolic value of goods, the strengthening of self-confidence.

Thematic approach: Volunteering - whether we are volunteering, whether there is a volunteer association in our neighborhood, what it deals with and in what way.


2. Reading activity

groups get assignment papers, and will read:

  • the text in which the narrator is Olivia Weston (Part 3, Chapter 1) - students will analyze the relationship between her and Rat that becomes interpersonal (1st is "sister" and then "mother");
  • explore the symbol of the names of Rat, Gardo and Dante
  • find resemblance with the Roma national minority - a village that gathers for an individual;
  •  short paragraph about violence against children - narrator Raphael (part 2), students dramatize the fragment (within the group they share roles and perform it as a reportage from the field); 
  •  short section on corruption - narrator is Rat (part 3), students need to detect the elements of the detective story through different tasks, shape the interview with the gardener, analyze the Annex of the book as proof of corruption.


3. Activity after reading


Talking about the events, does it remind us of some real life events? Do the characters remind us of some real life people?

Discussion about the end of the story - Did the boys do well? What could they do differently? Did you expect a different ending?

Comparison with the 2014 film of the same name (similarities and differences).


Connection to curriculum

Evaluation and Assessment Method:

Teacher Role - Prepare materials and act as a moderator

Evaluation – with the insert method, the students will mark what they are clear about, what they did not understand or expected and what should be further clarified.


Students are assessed on the basis of their ability to demonstrate:

  • knowledge on the content and forms of literary text from different regions and cultures
  • engagement with writers' ideas and dealing with topics
  • Recognizing the ways in which texts relate to broader contexts
  • recognition and appreciation of how writers create and shape meanings and effect empathy, through the re-creation of the voice and thoughts of the exalted character


The Impact of Activity on Reading RSP:

Practices initiate the process of thinking in students minds leading to what may be called greater cultural sensitivity, increased awareness of cultural differences and cultural communities - not only for race but also gender, social classes, etc.



Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity


film  TRASH , 2014., Great Britain, Brazil, 104 min.


  1. Mulligan: Trash
  • Publisher: Algoritam
  • Translation to Croatian: Vedrana Zupanić
  • 05/2013.
  • 172 str., hard copy
  • ISBN 9789533164106


Short description of digital sources

This paper uses books, films and book reviews from web pages.



Students will be able to:

- Understand the importance of accepting others 

- analyze the views that arise from the texts

- interpret the intention of the author

- Make a lot of well-chosen references to text



Such forms of text work will increase students' interest in reading as well as understanding the role of language in the text and will form their own reading style.

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