Title of Activity
How many facets in one story!
Description of educational activity
Duration: 3 lessons (2 lessons to prepare activity – one dedicated to the performance in class)
Pupils’ age: 15-16
Organization of the class of pupils: individual, pair and group work
The aim of the lesson: This activity is aimed at making students aware of the endless responses to the reading of a story: once they have carefully read it and grasped the author's message, they will be free to get a closer insight into it, change it, compare it, picture it, reverse it, refuse it, perform it, apply it in their real life, make a film or draw a comic of it .They will realise that it is live matter in their hands. It is therefore clear it is of paramount importance to know all the details and narrative techniques included in the text, to use imagination and creativity and to devote oneself to reading as a pleasant and enjoying activity.
In order to achieve this goal, the cubing method appears to be the most suitable technique to this purpose. When drawing on it, more faces can be added to the main ones so that each student could foster his/her imagination
First cube
Second cube
Third cube
Support materials:
In order to make the most of the following activity, students have to read the book thoroughly.
1. each student will have to work individually and in pair on the activities shown on the 18 faces of the three cubes as well as to make appropriate references to some parts of the plot.
2. students will have to prepare a presentation of their works: ach of them will cast the different dice on every face and will have to present his/her output/work regarding the request and stick it on one of the billboards, already made in class
Great importance will be given to debriefing: a moment devoted to reflection, reassembling and analysis of the activity, thus promoting the collective exchange of opinions, the detection of difficult problems and, finally, the results of the learning process
Evaluation and assessment method:
In order to evaluate the activity, students are asked:
The quality of the students' homework and their active participation in class will be taken into consideration for their evaluation.
Effect of the activity on RSP reading:
the main themes as well as the ironic and poetical way of dealing with them, the possibility of discussing the relationship between boys and girls, the suggestion of workshops closely linked to the text contribute to increasing young people’ interest and pleasure in reading and writing, as well.
Connection to curriculum
Grade: 2nd grade
Scientific curriculum: during the second year the study of literature is focused on
Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity
Italian version
Il diario di Adamo ed Eva
Original title: The diaries of Adam ed Eve
Translator: G. Sordini
Editore: Stampa Alternativa
Collana: Fiabesca
Year of issue: 1999
(First published in the 1905 Christmas issue of the magazine Harper's Bazaar, with te title Eve's diary and in book format in June 1906 by Harper and Brothers publishing house).
Pages: 80
EAN: 9788872265338
Digital sources
Eve’s diary
Adam and Eve’s diary
The expected outcomes of the lesson are that the students will be able to:
Such a methodology implies the creation of creative and effective learning moments/environments in order to:
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