Title of Activity
Bums on the outside, libraries inside


Description of educational activity
Duration: 5 hours
Pupils’ age: 15-16
Organization of the class of pupils: individual, pair and group work

The aim of the lesson: We'll pass the books on to our children, by word of mouth, and let our children wait, in turn, on the other people" says one of the roamers to Montag, the protagonist, because he thinks it is precious and worth being remembered. Remembering entails passing on memory in order to prevent dust and oblivion from burying volumes. Therefore, it could be meaningful and crucial to involve students in an performing workshop based on the texts selected by them so that they could rediscover the ancient/primordial long-lasting power and beauty of memory, which is frequently forgotten nowadays. And, meanwhile, getting to the aim of the activity, that is, helping students grasp and retain memory and knowledge, thus preventing some sand from sifting through the sieve.



Support materials:

  • selected passages from the book Fahrenheit 451, pp.166-180
  • passages chosen by students



This activity should be suggested after reading the book

Reader as  bums on the outside, but  libraries inside

After carefully reading the final pages of the novel ( Montag and Granger's group), students will have to turn into book-people: they will memorise passages abridged from books, novels, essays, which they find extremely meaningful, and recite them in front of their classmates. This activity will be suggested monthly. This year each student is to learn two passages following the pattern bellow

First task (February)

Suppose you were a book-man: choose and memorise and act out an extract from the book you read or from a literary work you studied at school and impressed you most

Second task (February- March)

Imagine you were a book-man, choose and memorise and act out a passage from Fahrenheit 451

Final task: shoot a video on all students' reciting moments

At the end of the workshop, great importance will be given to debriefing: a moment devoted to reflection, reassembling and analysis of the activity, thus promoting the collective exchange of opinions, the detection of difficult problems and, finally, the results of the learning process.


Evaluation and assessment method: In order to evaluate the activity, students are asked:

  1. to recite the selected passages


Effect of the activity on RSP reading: Making students aware of the reason why books should be treasured and passed on to future generations. They will also realize that individual and collective memory is a crucial and effective means to fulfil this purpose.


Connection to curriculum

Grade: 2nd grade

Scientific curriculum: during the second year the study of literature is focused on

  • improving oral and written skills and competences.
  • improving reading skills, understanding and analysing, specifically, literary texts, but  also devoting attention to non-literary texts and non-verbal languages.
  • learning how to build up and understand the historical and cultural context regarding the texts



  • Recognising the context, the aim and the addressee of  communication
  • Using the different reading strategies
  • Developing reading fluency
  • Improving reading comprehension
  • Improving reading personal pleasure



  • Dealing with different communicative situations
  • Applying different reading strategies
  • Singling out the different elements of communication
  • Searching, finding and selecting information
  • Expressing  ideas and supporting arguments

  • Selecting the appropriate media
  • Reflecting on learning

  • Learning by playing
  • Drawing conclusions

  • Asking clarifying questions
  • Improving presentation before an audience
  • Improving use of vocabulary, spelling, syntax and expression


Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity

Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451


English version

Publisher: Simon & Schuster - January 10th 2012, 60th anniversary edition, Hardcover

ISBN: 1451673264  (ISBN13: 9781451673265)

Page count: 251

Year of issue: 1953

Edition language: English


Italian version

Translator: G. Monicelli

pubblisher: Mondadori

Collana: Oscar classici moderni

Edizione: 16

Anno edizione: 2000

Formato: Tascabile

Pagine: 210

EAN: 97888044877



Digital sources



At the end of the activity, the students will be able to:

  • choose the most meaningful books among those they have read
  • select the most important parts according to their likes, the content and the meaning of the texts
  • consider memory as a successful learning tool to  favour a" new humanism" in a highly technological world



Such a methodology, based on the selection and memorisation of the texts, encourages students to:

  • treasure their experiences and their knowledge
  • internalize the texts in a more permanent way
  • practise reciting before other people
  • be aware of their learning style
  • turn traditional teaching activities into dynamic workshops


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