This project promotes open access materials and has been funded with support from the European Commission - Erasmus+ program. These materials reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 2016-1-HR01-KA201-022159]
Book title
White as Milk, Red as Blood
Alessandro D´Avenia
Bibliographic information
Publisher: Algoritam
Translation to Croatian: Dubravka Oršić
220 str., oft cover
ISBN 978-953-316-167-9
Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)
The story of a young man Leo, who is in love with Beatrice, is written in the form of a Diary. It shows typical teenage as well as general problems between the young and old, search of identity, and facing death as well as loss.
Short summary
Leo is a sixteen year old who plays soccer, he doesn’t like school and doesn’t do well with adults. He is in love with Beatrice, a girl with read hear, he tries to collect the courage to come up to her and tell her how she feels. At the same time, he is figuring out who he is and what kind of a person he is, what really interest him and what he wants to do in life as he confronts his professors too. He finds out that Beatrice is sick which really affects him and his view of himself and the world. Facing the pain, professor Dreamer and his friend Silvia (met Beatrice with him) help him through. Leo and Beatrice connect and spend a lot of time together, learning a lot about life, themselves and start to affect one another. Unfortunately, Beatrice loses the fight and Leo has to face the loss of a loved one. This is a novel about growing up and facing the greatest loss of life – losing a loved one, the novel also consists various links with art – especially with Dante’s creativity inspired by Beatrice.
Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers?
What are the distinguished readers interests reflected by this book/story?
This is a love story which is not typical because it shows the growth of a young person and facing real life situations. From the perspective of high schoolers, he reevaluates about the existence, society, education, relationships between the young and old, dreams, God and religion as well as death and love.
Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
The theme and style make this book encouraging for both girls and boys. It is easy to relate with the main character and his problems, which motivates them to think about their own feelings, helps recognize and accept emotions of other too. Facing with the loss of a loved one is truly painful, it is a life changing moment in everyone’s life, and this book truly motivates to talk about such topics.
Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognized in this book/story?
An educational-cultural context is visible – the students can compare the Italian school system with the Croatian one, they can think about the technological progress and everything that is available to them through education and life, and compare with the creation of live during the pre-renaissance period.
Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promotes understanding of cultural diversities and heritage?
Enrolling a student in a regular school system – relationships between student and professor, breaking the stereotypes about teachers, as well as their interests and rebellious side of a student (often present in the emotional aspect of a student).
Book title
Marcelo in the Real World
Francisco X. Stork
Bibliographic information
Algoritam, Zagreb, February 2011., First edition
ISBN 978-953-316-180-8
Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)
The resourcefulness of Marcelo in the real world as well as having a lot of knowledge in different human emotions.
Short summary
Marcelo often talked about himself in the third person; he lives in a tree house and works with religion and philosophy. He often hears music in his head which no one else does, and he loves his school in which his distinctive feature is one of many there. He is excited that during the summer before the last year of school he will spend with horses used for therapeutic riding. Unfortunately Marcelo’s father asks him to work in his father’s law firm as he believes that that will help him learn what the real world is. Wanting to please his father, Marcelo accepts the job and makes friends with Jasmine and Wendell. As the summer passes by, he faces new emotions, ideas and ways of behavior and only time will show if he can deal with it.
Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers?
What are the distinguished readers interests reflected by this book/story?
This story shows an individual who is aware of his differences and accepts his father’s request of joining him in the real world. This is a challenge of itself with facing the life of adults, accepting responsibility without any parent protection.
Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
The story can be interpreted in different ways – family relationships, the rough world of working in the lawyer world, and rush of emotions – facing emotions (friendship – love – sexual pleasure).
Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognized in this book/story?
Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promotes understanding of cultural diversities and heritage?
Inclusion is present by attending regular school. Encourages understanding and tolerance in joining already existing system.
Students can examine the American educational system, and compare lives of their peers ( becoming independent, work, life with parents…)
Title of Activity
Who will join my group of friends?
Description of educational activity
Duration: 2 x 45 minutes
Student age: 16-17 year olds
Student Class organization: group work
Lesson goal:
Support materials:
reading, interpreting and discussing the text, watching and discussing video clips
I. Activities before reading
II. Activities during reading.
The 1st group gets job lists - they will read:
The 2nd group gets a working paper, will read:
The 3rd group gets a working list, it reads:
III. Common activities after reading.
Evaluation and Assessment Method:
Students are evaluated on the basis of the following:
The Impact of Activity on Reading RSP Readers:
Practices initiate a process of thinking in the students minds leading to what may be called greater cultural sensitivity, increased awareness of cultural differences and cultural communities - not only for race but also for gender, social classes, etc
Connection to curriculum
Class: sophomore year
World Literature - reading for pleasure
Civil upbringing and education - developing conflict resolution strategies, peer violence
English Language and Literature - US writer Stork
Musical Arts - Classical Music, Rock Music
Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity
Francisco X. Stork: Marcelo in the real world
Zagreb, February, 2011.
Expected outcomes:
Students will be able to:
The text can help increase the interest of students to read. The elements of the detective stories may also be of interest to students to read the novel entirely.
Title of Activity
Culture collisions
Description of educational activity
Duration: 2 x 45 minutes
Student age: 18 – 19 (senior year)
Student class organization: group work
Lecture goal:
Shaping their own attitudes, explaining and proving them
empathy development
Supporting materials
reading, interpreting, and discussing the text
Activity before reading
Provides motivation, allows students to share their own experiences/opinions, group cohesion
The students are divided into groups of four. Each group gets one task.
Introductory text
INTRO (str. 5 – 8)
After common reading of the introductory text the students work in groups:
Outline 3 thoughts from the text that are stimulating and explain why.
Mention your childhood dreams and choose the ones that are achievable in the future.
Apply the sentence in the context of personal challenges: In the past, the whole world was explored; the highest mountains were concurred and the farthest points were visited. I knew I wasn’t doing something new, but for me, it was the start of discovering the world.
Presentation of group results and short discussion.
II. Activities during and after reading in group.
a) Syria: Driving along the Euphrates (page 63 - 64)
Basic task: Describe the writers travel concerns and state the reasons. Explain how to reconcile their cultural heritage and cultural orientations of the new environment. Explain the possibility of intercultural understanding.
Analysis: male-female relations; gender equality; cultural differences; intercultural
b) Syria: In Bedouin tents (page 75 - 76)
Basic task: Explain who the Bedouins are, how and what affects their nomadic way of life. Compare Bedouin's hospitality and their weak sense of ownership with Western culture.
Analysis: the impact of natural environment on people's lives; cultural differences
c) Israel: For Peace! (pp. 162-164)
Basic task: Describe the life of refugees. Explain their sense of helplessness sense of never getting a break.
Analysis: refugee status; meaninglessness of the war; (no) possibility of change
III. Common activities after reading.
Presenting group work results.
Discussion: Be an observer or participant. Actualization of issues and updates
Evaluation and Assessment Method:
Teacher Role - Prepare Materials and act as a Moderator
Evaluation of work in groups - questionnaire: evaluation and self-evaluation
Students are assessed on the basis of their abilities:
· Reading with understanding and shaping their own opinions and arguments
· Participation in a argumented discussion
· presentation of group work - systematic and structured presentation
The Impact of Activity on Reading RSP:
Activities encourage intercultural understanding and development of students' empathy.
Connection to curriculum
Class: Senior year
Language Expression - Discussion
- better understanding of yourself and the world around you
- Critical thinking about the world, society, religion
- Enjoyable reading experience
Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity
Davor Rostuhar: Just Let it Move!
Publisher: Klub za ekpedicionizam i kulturu
2003., 2006., 2009.
256 pg.; 154 photographs
Soft cover
ISBN 953-99434-0-X
Expected outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- clearly shape their attitudes and arguments
- actively listen to others
- use and accept etiquette communication
The work is appropriate thematically and is content targeted to group of readers. It also motivates to select other works by the same author or similar works of another author.
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