This project promotes open access materials and has been funded with support from the European Commission - Erasmus+ program. These materials reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 2016-1-HR01-KA201-022159]


Title of Activity
The Colors of My World


Description of educational activity
Duration: 2 x 45 minutes

Student age: 16 – 17 (sophomore year)

Student class organization: group work

Lecture goal:

- Encourages the development of emotional intelligence of students: the recognition of feelings the main character has in order to understand them, and the observation of emotional influences on the functioning of a person in society

- Empathy development


Support materials:


-Teaching leaflets

-Dictionary of symbols, Croatian phraseological dictionary



- 3 texts

- Sticky notes



reading, interpreting, and discussing the text


  1.  Activity before reading

experiences/opinions, group cohesion


The students are divided into groups of four. Each group gets one task.


  1. Our colors

Individually choose a color and explain your choice. Together (hand, computer) create a palette of emotions and add colors to them. Explore the symbolism of each color with the Symbol Dictionary and Internet resources and compare the results you have with your choice.


  1. Music and feelings

Specify your favorite type of music individually and explain it. Is listening to certain music related to an emotional state?

Explore: Are certain types of music specific to topics and feelings, messages


  1. Colors in language phrases

Remember the language phrases that use colors and try to explain the meaning of that color within the phrase and the choice of that color. Use the Croatian phrase dictionary as an aid (for example, get a red card (soccer), red as a cancer, give green light, be green of envy, have pink glasses ...).


Presentation of group results and short discussion.


II. Activities during and after reading in group.

- The groups receive parts of the story and teaching leaflets (each group reads one part)


  1. Chapters p. 9, 10: Appropriately titled: Everything has its own color


 Basic task: What does this claim mean to you? What does this claim mean in the context of the part you read? What about the character himself?


Analysis: Leo's attitude about music, colors, school, love, about himself


  1. Chapter p. 37: Appropriately Title: I Feel Like a Spelling Error


Basic task: what does this sentence mean before reading the text? What does it mean within the paragraph and what does it say about the character?


Analysis: T9, Beatrice (Dante and Beatrice), the attitude of young people towards adults and the attitude of adults towards young people: they have the ability but are not trying  - the characteristics of a young man


  1. Chapter pg. 127: maturity isn’t proven with the wish to die as a sign of being noble, but live humble for it


Basic task: what does this sentence mean before reading the text? What does it mean within the paragraph and what does it say about the character?


  • relationship between Lea and the professor, the meaning and influence of the professor's story


III. Common activities after reading.


Two options:

  • Group work presentation and summery of: Who is Leo? What did we learn about him? What would you like to find out about him?
    • Discussion: is everything easy when you are young? Updating issues.
    • Group work presentation - results.
  • Drama improvisation: a conversation between Leo's friend and Lea: what would you suggest as a friend to him? How would you help him? Submit 3 suggestions.


Evaluation and Assessment Method:

-           Teacher Role - Prepare Materials and act as a Moderator

  • Evaluation of group work - questionnaire: evaluation and self-evaluation



Students are assessed on the basis of their abilities:

-           Reading with understanding and shaping their own opinions and arguments

-           Participation in a argumented discussion

-           presentation of group work - systematic and structured presentation


The Impact of Activity on Reading RSP:

Activities encourage the development of student empathy, emotional development of the students, and book awareness as an experience that influence the development of an individual. "The reader lives a thousand lives before his death," said Jojen. A man who never reads lives only once. "Mr. R. Martin.


Class: sophomore year


World Literature - pre renaissance (Dante), reading for pleasure

Psychology - emotional development

Musical Arts - Classical Music, Rock Music

Artistic Art - Color



- better understanding of yourself and the world around you

- recognizing and accepting others, their emotions and understanding the influence of emotions on everyday life and human relationships

- Critical thinking about the world, family, school, religion

- enjoying reading literary literature



- collection, selection and evaluation of information

- reading, interpreting and evaluating literary texts



- communication competences

- ability to work in a team, and acceptance of someone different



Connection to curriculum


Class: sophomore year


World Literature - pre renaissance (Dante), reading for pleasure

Psychology - emotional development

Musical Arts - Classical Music, Rock Music

Artistic Art - Color



- better understanding of yourself and the world around you

- recognizing and accepting others, their emotions and understanding the influence of emotions on everyday life and human relationships

- Critical thinking about the world, family, school, religion

- enjoying reading literary literature



- collection, selection and evaluation of information

- reading, interpreting and evaluating literary texts



- communication competences

- ability to work in a team, and acceptance of someone different



Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity

Alessandro D`Avenia: White as Milk, red as blood

Algoritam, Zagreb, November, 2011.

220 str., Hard cover

ISBN 978-953-316-167-9



Expected outcomes:

Students will be able to:

- express their opinions clearly and reasonably as well as actively listen to others

- recognize the feelings of another person (character) and understand the impact of feelings on the character's behavior

- to observe the symbolic and metaphorical language of everyday communication



A work that is great for stimulating student emotional development, and a motivation for reading similar works

(Stating that books are the source of different life situations, feelings, experiences that enrich us).

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