This project promotes open access materials and has been funded with support from the European Commission - Erasmus+ program. These materials reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 2016-1-HR01-KA201-022159]


Book title
I´ll give you the sun


Jandy Nelson


Bibliographic information

Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group

ISBN 978-1-101-59384-4


Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)


A story of the twins who go through the first love, loss, disappointment and grief.


Short summary
Jude and her twin brother Noah are inseparable and love each other unconditionally. The two of them are completely different. Noah is a shy boy who loves painting while Jude is an outgoing and popular young girl.  A few years later, however, they barely talk to each other. After an unfortunate accident they live different lives but still care about each other, they only have to find the way back.


Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers?

  1. It reflects readers´ interests
  2. The recommendation and the report emerged from the survey results 
  3. It reflects political/historical moment.
  4. It’s highly motivational                                             


What are the distinguished readers interests reflected by this book/story?


Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
The story depicts the lives of two teenagers going through the situations like the first love, loss, grieve, anger and disappointment.


Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognized in this book/story? 


Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promotes understanding of cultural diversities and heritage? 
The story emphasizes the importance of friendship and family ties

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