This project promotes open access materials and has been funded with support from the European Commission - Erasmus+ program. These materials reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 2016-1-HR01-KA201-022159]


Title of Activity
Making a list of Rsp readers' and bookworms' rights


Description of educational activity
Duration: 2 hours
Pupils’ age: 15-16
Organization of the class of pupils: group work


Pupils' tasks: Devising a test, while expressing personal ideas: students will have to motivate, compare and discuss their different opinions.


Support materials: Daniel Pennac's book "Like a novel" includes a list of readers' rights and students will have to choose some passages from articles.

Evaluation and assessment method: This activity will be assessed by students following moments of guided discussions. Pupils are usually involved in such activities because they are encouraged to speak about their interests. Moreover, they can also see the topic from different perspectives.


Effect of the activity on RSP reading: Exchanging ideas and cooperating can be linked to an interest in what is the main objective of the activity (That is reading), therefore promoting behaviours/ attitudes that may lead RSP readers to gradually become bookworms


Connection to curriculum

Grade: 3rd year

Related objectives: Students start studying literature in this year. Accordingly, they begin reading different types of texts, so working out individual strengths and weaknesses does help learning more effectively.



  • Enhancing a positive approach to reading, reordering and processing information



  • Working in groups, comparing and respecting different ideas



  • supporting and putting forward a personal opinion
  • following specific instructions


Bibliographic reference to be used during the activity

Andrea Camilleri,

 Il ladro di merendine, collana La memoria, 

Sellerio, 2000,

pp. 247, cap. 20 

ISBN 88-389-1319-6. 




Exchanging ideas, asking questions, sharing impressions, while motivating and developing opinions



Placing emphasis on the difficulties RSP readers may encounter when reading a text, may also help them overcome their hindrance. Moreover, teachers can monitor students' progress and achievements, thus contributing to creating a positive environment of cooperative learning.


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