This project promotes open access materials and has been funded with support from the European Commission - Erasmus+ program. These materials reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 2016-1-HR01-KA201-022159]


Book title
I, Robot


Isaac Asimov


Bibliographic information
Isaac Asimov- Io, robot - Edizioni Mondadori - 2003


Links (adaptations, reviews, full texts etc.)


Science fiction


Short summary
In the first part the protagonists are two scientists and their stories are connected to the contrasts in the three laws of robotics. In the second part the protagonist is a robopsychologist who manages to solve the conflicts in the robots' brains.


Why is the story appropriate for the targeted groups of RSP readers?
Science fiction is appreciated by teenagers. The style of the stories is fluent; the syntax is linear and the lexis is simple and clear, but especially the story is gripping.


What are the distinguished readers interests reflected by this book/story?
The story analyses the world of robots and robotics that have always stimulated teenagers' fantasy and interest.

Why is this story motivational for the pupils?
Because it develops fantasy and creativity and makes us reflect upon a future which is approaching fast.


Is there a historical, political, multi/inter cultural, migrant or similar context recognized in this book/story? 
There is the theme of psychology, of its limits and possible dangers.


Is there a principle of inclusion reflected in this book/story and does it promotes understanding of cultural diversities and heritage? 
Even the robot is seen as "different" and in some passages, the story teaches us to understand and receive those who are not like us.


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