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One week long programme was  mainly focused on language development and readership, which is a mutual interest for both the Czech and Slovakian participants. All the activities were creative and  no one was bored. "The book hunting" had the biggest success again, no matter students had known the activity from meeting in Prague in May (but the books were different this time). What is the best place to carry out such activity? Well, the library, of course. So we spent the entire Thursday morning in the Gemerská knižnica Pavla Dobšinského v Rožňave, which is the local library that the host school cooperates with a lot.

Litrature was also a focus in the school, mainly thanks to PaedDr. Eva Szanyiová who allowed us to attend a few of her literature lessons in English. The texts that we worked with required quiet and concentration, but when we decided to do a quiz in the app Kahoot! the entire classroom went wild with excitement and competative spirit. We as teachers were happy when the entire classroom was vocal about their excitement, since it was proof for us that learning could be fun for students. We also got a chance to experience the activities from the unfinnished Handbook for RSP readers. We mainly appriciated the drawing tasks because we can use them for the encouragement of reading in English lessons with graphic design students.

Also the decoration of the school was inspirational a lot because it entices interest in reading, books and discussion about them. For example we discovered a secondhand shop of English books in the classroom of PaedDr. Eva Szanyiová. Moreover, there were a lot of stories plastered all over the school walls especially in the attic dedicated to English classrooms. Our week long visit was benefitial not only for the students, but also for us, the teachers. We thank our hosts for sharing their professional experiences and knowlage with us, which we will definitely use for emproving our own school.





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