Page 11 - Handbook for reluctant, struggling and poor readers
P. 11

previous cycles (2012 and 2009). There are great gender differences in reading literacy. Girls performed
          statistically better also in 2015 study, on average it was 27 points higher than boys in OECD countries. In
          Slovakia girls scored 36 points higher. In the 2003 and 2012 cycles the difference was roughly the same
          but in the last cycle it decreased by 11 points. As the difference narrows, we can see gradually growing
          score in boys´ performance and lower performance of girls. In Slovakia the performance of girls fell by 12
          points compared to the previous cycles.
          According to the study conducted by State school inspection in Slovakia up to 71,3% secondary schools
          have no strategy for development of reading literacy although according to the principles and objectives
          of secondary education, systematic work with texts is part of education in Slovakia.  The same study
          emphasizes the importance of education of teachers. Education related to the reading literacy which is the
          important competence in understanding all subjects across the national curriculum. Another fact the study
          points out is that one of the main conditions for developing reading literacy is a book and an appropriate
          library. However, results show that almost half of the schools do not have suitable premises for a library
          and almost 24,09% of schools do not have a library at all.


                                                        In compliance with the  goals of Europe 2020 strategy,
                                                        the  Italian  government  has approved a reform on our
                                                        educational  system  in  order  to  shape  and  develop
                                                        common European core skills in education and training:
                                                        teachers  should  promote  the  acquisition  of  "key
                                                        competences" that the European citizen should possess
                                                        to meet the challenges of the ever changing and complex
                                                        world  that  surrounds  us,  for  example  by  addressing
                                                        underachievement in maths, science and literacy through
                                                        effective and innovative teaching and assessment.
                                                        Therefore, our school, Liceo Scientifico "G. Seguenza",
                                                        has carried out an analysis which has revealed a growing
                                                        need  for innovative teaching strategies  in  the field of
                                                        languages, specifically, reading skills are to be prioritized.
                                                        At the end of the year 2015, the Italian National Institute
                                                        of statics ISTAT published the annual results provided by
                                                        the survey conducted among the Italian population about
                                                        their reading habits. People aged 6 and over were
                                                        interviewed and 42% of them (about 24  million) stated
                                                        that they had read at least one book in the 12 months
                                                        preceding the interview for purposes other than school or
                                                        work. Compared to the previous year, the percentage is
                                                        stable, also considering the 2011 drop in reading habits.
                                                        9.1% of the Italian households do not own any books,
                                                        64.4% have 100 books at most. Gender differences are
                                                        still evident: women read more  than men, indeed,  the
                                                        figure for female readers was in fact 48.6%, compared to
                                                        35% for male readers. Book readers' share is over 50%
                                                        among those aged 11 to 19; it shows a decrease in later
                                                        age groups; the highest percentage of readers was found
                                                        among the 15-17 age group. School is not enough. Family
          is a key factor: 66.8% of youngsters aged 6 to 14 with both parents who read books are book readers too,
          vs. only 30.9% of those whose parents do not read books. Book reading is less widespread in the South
          of Italy, where fewer than one out of three (28.8%) people has read at least one book. In Sicilia and
          Sardegna,  readers  are  33.1%:  an  increase  as  compared  to  31.1%  recorded  in  the  previous  year.  In
          metropolitan centres book readers account for 51%, vs. 38.1% in areas with fewer than 2,000 inhabitants.
          Data confirm that nearly one reader out of two (45.5%) is a "weak" one, having read no more than three
          books in one year. The percentage of bookworms (people who read on average at least one book per
          month) is  13.7%  of the readers  (they were 14.3% in 2014). 8.2% of the total population (4.5 million) read
          or downloaded books or e:books, that is, 14.1% of those who surfed the Internet. Book reading and cultural
          participation are interrelated: among book readers, shares of those who practise other cultural activities
          and sports and surf the web are regularly higher than those of non-readers. Book readers also showed
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